Thursday 9 July 2009

In the beginning!!

The first models that I built was the spiky baby's as shown in the previous post, these were simple little models that were quick to make and FREE being the main word here as I was just getting into the hobbie!.

The models were designed by a young man called Shin Tanaka, he is situated in Japan and his philosophy is that his models should be freely available to download and make, and then his work passed on by word of mouth.He is now rated amongst one of the top Papercraft modeller's in Japan.

His first series of spiky's contained 15 versions and since that time he has published 8 series of spiky baby's, in total 178 models, each different and most of them designed by different artists.

He has also published models for Masked hoodies, Hoodies, Boxy's and his new models of Hoophy's, again designed by different artists.

It's a good thing in a way that shin gets artists to do designs for his models as it shows off his work and other artists work at the same time. It has let me go searching for other works by the different artists in order to expand my horizons.

Here is my collection of models by shin Tanaka the only ones that are missing are the new hoophys but i'm designing a couple of new designs at the moment but will show them off in a later post.
you can find shin Tanaka's works at

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